A Critical Analysis and Review of Withdrawn Traces Part 4

“I have always been hated for the right reasons and loved for the wrong ones. All my enemies have been rewarded and my true friends have betrayed me. They’ve wronged me and persecuted me and if I complained, it was always they were proven right. Sometimes I tried to revenge myself. I could never, never do it. I had too much pity to lay the enemy low. But they had no pity. I would prick them with a pin. They’d attack me with their bludgeons, their knives and their cannon and mangle my bones.”50

“’It’s strange how someone could remember all those quotes…’ Sean reflects.
‘… And the history of the fucking partition of Czechoslavakia…’ Nicky adds.
‘… And could quote In Pursuit of the Millennium back at you…’ says James.”
‘… And you show him just a little snippet of music that probably doesn’t last more than ten seconds,’ says Sean, ‘and within about two or three minutes he’d forget it…’83


A Critical Analysis and Review of Withdrawn Traces Part 5 

Supplement: Scans of the photo inserts in Withdrawn Traces + other images for context

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